Parish Interest Groups This is not a complete list of Parish Groups, simply those that are obvious to give a flavour of our activities.
(For our parish members: please don’t let YOUR group be forgotten. Go to the Contacts Page and send an email with your information. It will be added as soon as possible.)

Association for the Propagation of the Faith (APF): collects monies for the Missions via red boxes in houses
Brotherhood of St Stephen: Altar servers’ organisation
CAFOD: General support of CAFOD and its work
Eucharistic Ministers: Ministry of distributing the Holy Eucharist
Flower Arrangements: Ministry of God’s beauty in God’s House
Gift Aid: Tax relief on regular donations to the parish Planned Giving campaign
Music: Providing the means to aid the singing of the faithful at Mass
Prayer group: Reads the Gospel for the following Sunday, then discusses it, followed by prayers
Readers: Ministry of reading the Word of God
Repository:  A selection of cards, missals and children’s Bibles, as well as books, crosses, rosaries and other artefacts
Rosary Group: Saying the Rosary together and also visiting the sick and housebound
St Vincent de Paul Society: making regular visits to the lonely and housebound people in their homes, as well as visits to hospitals
Women’s Guild: meet together to fundraise and organise social events in the parish